Research Vision
Leading Group in Reproductive research, women and perinatal health in Indonesia.
Research Mission
• Conducting Good Research Practice accordance in Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Pharmacoepidemiology Practices (GPP), Helsinki Declaration and any other regulatory requirements. • Active Publication that contributes to a global commitment to spreading essential information for a local and global community. • Supporting collaboration research across field or interdisciplinary to advance research quality. • Affiliated with assisted reproductive technology research.
Reproductive Medicine and Surgery
Research summaries:
- Blastocyst elective single embryo transfer to improve perinatal outcome in assisted reproductive technology in Indonesia
- Comparison of highly purified HMG versus recombinant FSH with antagonist protocol in poor responder patients
- Embryo banking with mild ovarian stimulation for IVF: alternative strategy for poor prognosis patients
- Association between Series Estradiol Levels and Clinical Outcomes of IVF Cycles with Single Blastocyst Embryo Transfer
- Morphokinetic embryo development after intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (imsi) versus intracytoplasmic sperm injection (icsi) in couples with poor sperm quality: a time-lapse imaging study.
- Oocyte competence biomarkers associated with oocyte maturation: a review
- Role of Three Dimensional Doppler Ultrasonography and Leukemia Inhibitory Factor from Endometrial Secret to Predict Clinical Pregnancy In IVF Treatment
- Potential use of Immature oocyte to improve fertility preservation: A review
- The utilization of oocyte cryopreservation among indonesian women
- Clinical Pregnancy Is Not Associated with Sperm Quality in POSEIDON Group 1 and 2 Patients
- Factors affecting the distribustion of serum anti-mullerian hormone levels among infertile asian woman: A multi-nation, muti-centre, and multi ethinicity prospective cohort study
- Minimally Invasive Method of Measuring Anti-Müllerian Hormone level in Dried-Blood Spot of Indonesian Infertile Population
- Vitrification altered GDF-9 and FSH receptor expressions of human cumulus-mural granulosa cells
- Immature Oocyte Proportion in a Cohort Led to Poor Embryo Development but Did Not Reduce Clinical Pregnancy Rate
- Utilisation of Oocyte Diameter as a Non‐invasive Indicator of Oocyte and Embryo Quality: Investigating Protein Kinase B Protein Expression in Cumulus–Granulosa Cells and Embryo Morphokinetics
- Robotic myomectomy for a non-pregnant reproductive age woman with severe acute urinary retention: A case report
- Optimizing Infertility Treatment for Ovarian Endometrioma: Is Surgical Intervention Preferable Before or After In-Vitro Fertilization Programs?
- Infertility prevalence for women who went for reproduction check-up in Bunda International Clinic (BIC) Jakarta in 2011 – 2012.
- Addition of LH-like Activity Supplementation in Poor Responders Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
- Similar Outcomes Patients with Cryptozoospermia Vs. PESA-TESE. (M Rizal. M Mirsageri, N Handayani, W Indrasari, P Rachmawati, A Pratiwi, I Sini, A Polim, A Boediono). Presented in: Aspire (2019), Hongkong.
- IVF outcome of Poor Prognosis Patient Based on Sperm Quality. (N Handayani, W Indrasari, M Rizal, P Rachmawati, A Pratiwi, I Sini, A Polim, A Boediono). Presented in: Aspire (2019), Hongkong.
- Higher quality of D5 embryo in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. (C Yasmin, A Mayasari, A Polim, I Sini, Boediono). Presented in: Aspire (2019), Hongkong.
- In-Vitro embryo development related to oocyte quality. (P Sumarsono, V Nurkhayati, N Handayani, W Indrasari, A Boediono). Presented in: Aspire (2019), Hongkong.
- Sperm quality does not influence embryo quality and the number of euploid embryo. RBM Online 2018, 37(1): e11-e12. (P Rachmawati, A Setiawan, M Rizal, W Indrasari, N Handayani, I Sini, A Polim, A Boediono). Presented in: Alpha Concensus (2018), Iceland.
- Cryoinjury in 8-cells blastomere after vitrification related to pregnancy rate. (N Handayani, W Indrasari, M Rizal, P Rachmawati, I Sini, A Polim, A Boediono). Presented in: Aspire-0463 (2018), Taiwan.
- Comparison of intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes between ejaculation in cryptozoospermia men and spermatozoa retrieved from surgical. (DR Wulan, P Sumarsono, M Rizal, P Rachmawati, A Boediono). Presented in: Aspire-0258 (2018), Taiwan.
- Effectivity between zona thinning and hatching procedure by laser from D3 and D5 embryo frozen on pregnancy rate patient frozen thaw embryo. (M Rizal, P Rahmawati, N Handayani, W Indrasari, A Polim, I Sini, A Boediono). Presented in: Aspire (2016), Indonesia.
- Meiotic spindle visualization in human oocytes affects fertilization rate, embryo quality, and blastocyst development rate. (W Indrasari, N Handayani, M Rizal, P Rachmawati, I Sini, A Polim, A Boediono). Presented in: Aspire (2016), Indonesia.
- Clinical experience in comparing two doses of corifollitropin alfa among Indonesian women: A case Study Report in 2015 (A Polim, I Sini, I Anwar, I Suheimi, A Lubis). Presented in: AFEM 8, March 21-22, 2015, Taiwan.
- Number of follicle flushing and re-aspiration oocyte affect oocyte quality and pregnancy rate. (A Boediono, W Indrasari, N Handayani, M Rizal, P Rachmawati, I Sini, A Polim). Presented in: Aspire-0273 (2014), Brisbane.
- Comparative non-interventional open-label study to evaluate dosing characteristic and ovarian response using Gonal-f® pen in ART treatments in Asia (IMPROVE) in 2014 – 2015.
- Implementation of robotic in reproductive surgery in Indonesia in 2014
- Addition of growth hormone for minimal stimulation - IVF for the patient with poor ovary response in 2014.
- Actual clinical experience in using antagonist protocol in in-vitro fertilization: Report of 699 cycles. (I Anwar, I Utama, A Polim, I Sini, A Boediono). Presented in: POGI Indonesia 2013.
- Correlation between adult romantic attachment with infertility - related stress for women who follow IVF procedure in 2013.
- Embryo selection before transfer with soluble human leukocyte antigen G (Shla - G) as a biochemistry marker for the endometriosis patient who follows IVF in 2012.
- Correlation between levels of AMH, INHIBIN - B, IGF - 2 serum and follicle fluid in forming mature and normal oocyte as an ovary diagnostic parameters in minimal excitation of IVF in 2012.
- A procedure of etiology characteristics for a male patient with infertility in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Bunda Hospital Jakarta, and Asri Hospital in 2010 – 2012.
Maternal and Children Health
Research summaries:
- Opthalmic artery Doppler for pre-eclampsia prediction at the first trimester: a Bayesian Survival-time model
- Reference Range of Placental Growth Factors at 11-14 weeks’ Gestation in Indonesia
- Neonatal Bilirubin Assessment after Implementation of Enhanced Recovery after Cesarean Section
- Mobile obstetric monitoring: A Model for community-based antenatal care delivery in a low resource setting in 2014 (I Sini, A Polim, D Djanas, M Oktania, S Ulman). Philips Project 2014.
Precision Medicine: Genomics
Research summaries:
- In Vitro Activation of mouse oocytes through intracellular Calcium regulation
- Analyzing gene expression of LIF and Kisspeptin in endometrium in IVF patients with antagonist protocol
- Case report: PGT-M
- The source and possible mechanism of releasing embryo cell-free DNA in spent embryo culture media: A Systematic Review
- Associations of HSD17B1 Gene Expression with its DNA Methylation and Estradiol Level in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Indonesian Patients
- Reliability of Non-Invasive Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy Through Utilization of Cell-free DNA in Spent Embryo Culture Media
- PGS efficacy of vitrification method in mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) Wharton's Jelly in 2015.
Computational Research: AI and Healthcare Technology
Research summaries:
- Machine Learning Approach to Predict Clinical Pregnancy Potential in Women Undergoing IVF Program
- A homogenous ensemble of robust pre-defined neural network enables automated annotation of human
- Genetic algorithm assisted machine learning for clinical pregnancy prediction in IVF cycles
- Embryo Ploidy Status Classification Through Computer-Assisted Morphology Assessment
- Combined U-Net Blastocyst Segmentation and Sequential Time-Lapse Blastocysts Images Could Improve Deep Learning-Based Algorithm for Ploidy Status Prediction
- The application of Deep learning-based computer vision: Literature Review
Public Health: DM, TB, Stunting, and CVD
Research summaries:
Research initiatives in this section are underway, targeting significant public health challenges such as DM, TB, stunting, and CVD. Details will be shared as progress is made.
Research Submission
If you need help to support your research (including bachelor, master or doctoral program), IRSI is grateful to be a part of your extended network and help you to discuss or exchange the idea. If you are interested, let us know. Please contact us at